Monday 13 April 2009

The Smear Test

In view of the recent revelations about so called email smear campaigns emanating from Number 10 Downing Street, I would just like to stress the independence of this blog!

It is true that I don't have a good word for David Cameron (actually, I do have a very good word for him, but not one to be used in mixed company). I know nothing about his private life, except that we are apparently paying his mortgage on his constituency home, and we shouldn't be. My political dislike of him is based purely on his being a smarmy little apparatchik with no policies or principles who will clamber on any passing bandwagon, and who would sell his granny if he thought it would gain him one more vote in a marginal constituency.

George Osborne is self evidently terminally inexperienced and would be a disaster as Chancellor, especially as he seems to differ markedly from the views on the economy (and probably everything else) which are barely contained within the simmering volcano that is Ken Clarke.

I have to say though, that it is a mark of the extreme poverty of Gordon Brown's team's ideas and approach, that with all of this rich lack of material to work with, they are instead resorting to making up lies, untruths and smears and seemingly trying to spread these virally on the web.

What's wrong with just pointing out that the Tories have no policies and those they do have are either unworkable or could potentially split their party. Labour should be hammering that home at every opportunity. Lack of experience. Wet behind the ears. Weathervanes, blowing whichever way the wind blows. No backbone. God almighty, do I have to spell it out, Broon?

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