Tuesday 24 February 2009

Slug a Hoodie

Forgive me for pointing out once again the "Bleeding Obvious" in terms of glaring contradictions in would-be policy for our would-be Prime Minister, but I have just noticed this:

"DAVID CAMERON today warned young people that a Conservative government would impose curfews on yobs, axe cautions and lock up drunks.

Unveiling new moves to tackle crime, the Tory leader said children and adults would have to understand that under his premiership "you're not going to get away with it any more".

"If we win the next election, I want a loud and clear message to be heard by every kid who's getting into trouble and every kid who's thinking about it: It's the Conservatives you're dealing with now," Mr Cameron said. His remarks came as shadow home secretary
Chris Grayling set out plans to reverse Labour's binge-drinking crisis, put more police on the streets and target gang ring-leaders.

In his first major speech since taking over his post, Mr Grayling said he would be "unashamedly tough" with youth crime."

So much for "hug a hoodie!"

Can a bandwagon actually DO a U-turn without crashing? I think not.

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