Monday 19 January 2009

Have you looked down the back of the Sofa?

Just how much money do the chuffing banks want? They've already swallowed one huge bailout without it even touching the sides and without bothering to lend any of it back to us. Now, like some latter day fat bloated stripey suited Oliver Twist, they want more!

And what I don't understand is this: the US Government, in the form of that nice Mr Bernanky-poo, has already said they will trouser that particular stoat, if it comes home to roost, so why has a relatively (in terms of the cash pumped in since) small problem suddenly become the financial equivalent of Hurricane Katrina.

I mean, I am not an economist either, and one of the more irritating aspects of this is the further opportunity it affords to RobERT PEST on to practice his strange IN ton ATION on us, but just say for the sake of argument, that the original toxic loans came to -- oooh I dunno --- pick a large figure ----- $100,000,000. So Mr Bernanky says to whatever banks were left, back in the summer, OK, guys, if any of that goes "ping", don't worry, come and see me, I'll see youse guys right, I am the capo di tutti capi in Noo Joysey, ect ect chiz chiz.... So where is the problem? Rot stopped, hole contained.

What do they need all this NEW money for, since they aren't LENDING any of it to any BUSINESSES or anything like THAT

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